Public Provocations 2 in Carhartt Gallery

“Walls, backyards and contemporary city landscapes are hardly imaginable without all kinds of artistic forms of expression. Through colours, shapes and conversion artists claim the public space to be their sphere of expression and not only of provocation. Over the years new techniques, materials and platforms found their use. Thereby the art work was more and more respected and finally found its way into the galleries.
The exhibition boxes of the Carhartt Gallery show exceptional artists who have influenced or still influence the complexity of urban and street art with their styles. This unique compilation of national and international scripts and styles shows a varied profile of contemporary urban art.”(press release)
The second edition of the “Public Provocations” graffiti art exhibition, which brings together A-list artist from around the globe, opened its doors at the Carhartt Gallery ,june 2010 . 14 Spray artists from around the globe came together to make their own boxes at the Big Gallery in Southwest of Germany where three neighbour countries of France,Germany and Swtizerland meet. The show was a lot of success for KolahStudio in case of Meeting new artists and getting new influences and connections having the chance to visit Some Great European Artists like Swet,Suso,Mr.Rusl,Mr.Wany , Smash 137,LeckoMio,wolfgang Krell,Dream and DirtyDust.